We can help your pets FEEL BETTER!
If your pup or kitty hasn’t been feeling their best, we have several options to get them feeling better!
- Laser therapy | $50 off laser package and FREE first laser treatment ($25 value)
- Joint injections | $50 off joint injection and 50% off x-ray if needed ($150 value)
- Allergy injection to prevent itchiness
- Mass removals | We can do a FREE consultation ($50 value) and a FREE histopath biopsy for tumor removal ($175 value).
- Senior Wellness Exam to keep your sugarfaces happy and healthy!
Learn more about these services below.

Feel better with laser therapy for pups & kitties!
Laser therapy uses a light spectrum to decrease inflammation and pain. It’s not painful and takes between 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the area being treated.
If your pet has any of the following conditions, laser therapy can help them feel better.
Chronic Conditions*
- Arthritis
- Joint injuries
- Tooth pain, gingivitis, and sore mouths
One-Treatment Conditions
- Surgical incisions
- Wounds (lacerations, abrasions, abscesses)
- Ear infections
- Hot spots, skin lesions
- Urinary tract infections
- Anal gland discomfort and abscesses
* Typical treatment for a chronic condition is twice a week for two weeks. Then, once a week for two weeks and then, every other week. Patients are re-evaluated by their doctor after 12 laser sessions to determine the best ongoing schedule.
Pain-relieving joint injections for cats & dogs
Regenerative joint injections use your pet’s own anti-inflammatory cells to decrease pain and discomfort caused by arthritis or joint injuries.
Typically within seven days of injection, your pet will have improved mobility and decreased pain. The effects of the injection last 6 – 9 months (and can then be repeated).
- We take a blood sample and process it to isolate the cells needed to decrease inflammation. The isolated cells are injected into the joints. (Up to four joints can be injected with one blood sample.)
- We can do this procedure without pain and in just one visit. Some pets require sedation to keep them from cuddling us too much and moving during the injections.
- For severe arthritis, especially involving the neck and back and acute knee joint injury, a combination of laser therapy with injections is most beneficial.

Itch-relief Cytopoint injection for dogs
Itching is one of the top five reasons we see our patients. Seasonal allergies, food allergies, fleas, and skin infections are the most common reasons.
This injection can stop itching before the underlying cause is found and treated and prevents itching for 6-8 weeks.
Results are typically seen 24-48 hours after injection. They’re not painful and can be done with an exam or between visits with one of our technicians.
Mass removals for canines and felines
Many dogs and cats develop masses (or tumors) during their lifetime.
- Leaving a cancerous mass can significantly decrease the quality and duration of their life.
- Even non-cancerous masses can cause local pain and irritation to muscles and skin and grow to large sizes. (Especially if the masses are located near or on the legs.)
Removal of masses is the best way to determine the exact type of tumor present for long-term care and increased comfort. Biopsies and needle withdrawals can miss cells that may be crucial to determining the presence of cancer.
Prior to a mass removal procedure, the pet must be examined and testing performed to ensure patient safety during anesthesia and healing after the procedure. The exam and testing are typically performed prior to the scheduled day of mass removal.
On the day of the procedure, patients will be given sedatives or anesthesia depending on the individual cases. Patients typically go home the same day. Large masses may have a drain placed that will require a recheck visit 3-5 days after the procedure. Skin sutures are commonly placed and the patient will need to restrict exercise and wear a recovery collar when not supervised until sutures are removed after 14 days.

Call (614) 871-7705
Text (380) 666-8555
Email yourvet@stringtownanimalhospital.com